

遗失声明 2023-09-13 67 抢沙发
畅销(畅销手机排行榜前十名最新)摘要: Year: 2017  Genre: Science Fiction  In the midst of a mysterious environmental crisis, as...

Year: 2017

  Genre: Science Fiction

  In the midst of a mysterious environmental crisis, as London is submerged below flood waters, a woman gives birth to her first child, Z. Days later, the family are forced to leave their home in search of safety. As they move from place to place, shelter to shelter, their journey traces both fear and wonder as Z’s small fists grasp at the things he sees, as he grows and stretches, thriving and content against all the odds.


  This is a story of new motherhood in a terrifying setting: a familiar world made dangerous and unstable, its people forced to become refugees. Startlingly beautiful, Megan Hunter’s The End We Start From is a gripping novel that paints an imagined future as realistic as it is frightening. And yet, though the country is falling apart around them, this family’s world – of new life and new hope – sings with love.

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1bp6blDX

密码: ruq3





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